Gulps: New Open Source WatchKit App

We released a new app on the AppStore and decided to open source it. The app is called Gulps, a simple tracker of your daily water consumption. Gulps was a fun little side project built to learn a bit more about WatchKit and to strengthen my Swift-fu.
If you read our latest post on how to share data with Realm, you’ll find a lot of code in common in this app, but there’s also quite a bit of new stuff that’s worth checking out. For starters I personally really like the water meter that follows your device movement, made possible by the amazing DPMeterView. You might also like the Facebook Paper-like wavy effect in the onboarding, provided by one of my pride and joys, AMWaveTransition.
You’ll find the source here.

Let us know what you think.
Until next time.

Andrea - @theandreamazz